Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Get a Hot Girl to Like You AND How to Seduce Women in Clubs

How to Get a Hot Girl to Like You AND How to Seduce Women in Clubs

How to Seduce Women in Clubs

Here are a couple of stories that I came across that I think you might be interested in.  Check them out.

How to Get a Girl to Like You Part 5 | TrippAdvice

How to Get a Girl to Like You Part 5

On part 5 of 5 of the series “How to Get a Girl to Like You” we’re talking about your the excitement factor. This episode we discuss why it’s important to have the special excitement factor and what makes it attractive to women.
If you want a FREE 5-DAY VIDEO COURSE on Flirting for explosive attraction then CLICK HERE to fill out a 2-3 question survey and you will INSTANTLY receive it!
See all stories on this topic

How To Pick Up Girls at A Club {Part 2} | Simple Pickup

Last Time…
We talked about the logistical steps you should take before arriving at the club. We’re not going to go over it like this is some academic essay, or even redefine the acronyms we use. So know that if you don’t want to get lost, read part one: [Click Here For Part 1]
The main concept I’m going to go over is approaching the girl at the club.
Approach Her In A Low-Sounding Area
This is Kong’s favorite approach. Usually he’ll go to the patio or the bar of the club so  the girl can hear his voice. Because you should be in the FFM, Kong always makes sure to tell her why he called her over. For example:
Kong: Oi. Oi. You.
Her: What? Yes?
Kong: You’re cute. I’m Kong. We’re going to talk and make out in 10 minutes.
Her: What?
Kong: You’re right. 10 minutes is too long.
The idea is that in low-sounding environments you can approach a girl as if you met her on the street. However, because it’s a club you must ALWAYS be in FFM so you have to tell her what you want to do as soon as you can. Kong tends to tell the girl his intentions faster than the two of us.
Approaching. Then Leaving. Then Meeting Up Later
This is one of Jason’s favorite methods: in most crowded clubs there should be a multitude of cute girls walking around; and Jason doesn’t like ruining his opportunities of meeting these other girls in the club.
What he does is he approaches, gets the number, and if he finds himself not doing anything sexual with her… he tells the girl he is going to leave & that they’ll bump into each other throughout the night. This does two things:
1. Gives you ample time to approach other girls.
2. You don’t bore the original girl: she becomes anxious and intrigued to when you’ll bump into each other later in the night.
It’s a good tactic, of course it can increase your chances of being alone at the end of the night. But, it can also mean that you’re later walking out with a cute girl of your choice, and you also have other See all stories on this topic


The Online Game Review - Attracting Women Through Dating and ...

How to Seduce Women in Clubs

How to Seduce Women in ClubsThe Online Game Review – Attracting Women Through Dating and …

Mar 2, 2011 … Do you want to attract and seduce women using popular dating sites as …, women in public places such as clubs, coffee shops and local bars.See all stories on this topic

How to Meet and Seduce Women

Aug 3, 2008 … Have you ever wondered how to meet women and how to seduce them? … See I, used to go to clubs or parties with my friends but I almost …See all stories on this topic

What To Wear To Meet Women

May 18, 2009 … Sure, we try and look nice when we go out to bars and clubs. … book – The, Ultimate Guide On How To Meet, Date, & Seduce Women – you can …See all stories on this topic

how to seduce women at bars | Kenny PUA: “Get Laid By Being Social”, Posts about how to seduce women at bars written by Socialkenny. … This sort of, game is also perfect for picking up girls at clubs, bars, lounges and anywhere …See all stories on this topic

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Body Language Basics For Seducing Women - How to Build Muscle ...

Seduce Women With Body Language

 Seduce Women With Body LanguageBody Language Basics For Seducing Women – How to Build Muscle …

Body language is VERY important. According to studies carried out over 50% of your communication comes from your body language – what you DON’T say and less then 8% of your communication comes from what you DO say.
What does this mean to you?
It is MORE important to pay careful attention to HOW you say things, and HOW you stand and HOW you act than it is to WHAT you say (at least initially).
You see, you could have the BEST game in the world and be able to really get any woman to like you loads, for example online, but if you used those same successful techniques in the real world and lacked obvious confidence, lacked eye contact etc – You would simply CRASH and BURN.
Honestly, body language is SOOOO important in attracting women. Later in the course we’ll go into how you can use the female’s body language to READ her mind and know what she’s thinking. This article is about YOUR body language.
Ok… So, I’ll cover the basics as the advanced stuff is beyond the scope of this article (if you want more advanced detail concerning body language you can check out my site:
Body language basics:
1. Smile
You have to make the female feel at ease and comfortable that you are a friendly and fun guy and you are not a psycho as quick as possible. Especially when talking to her for the first time. You also need to let her know that you are confident and comfortable around women. A big and genuine smile is the best way to do this. It works. In fact, if you ever get an Ice Queen that you can tell is about to give you the “dead eye”, give her a big smile. Practice smiling at random people. You’ll be surprised by how many people smile back and at how many doors open to you. Smiling WORKS. Just don’t make it a cheesy, fake smile ;)
2. Eye contact
As you know there’s nothing worse than staring at a woman’s chest – or even looking. It makes you just like all the other guys who drool over her. If anything you should use all…  See all stories on this topic »

How To Read Female Body Language Signals | Black Belt …

Sep 4, 2008 … However hard we try, what we think is telegraphed to others through our body, language. This is especially true with women. Say something that …See all stories on this topic »

Alpha Male Body Language – Seducing Women by the Use of Your …

Aug 1, 2012 … Using alpha male body language can help men to seduce women. One important, method of using alpha male body language to seduce …See all stories on this topic »

Thursday, March 21, 2013

How To Get Any Girl You Want - Tips To Become A Master At Attracting Women

How To Get a Hot Girl to Like You

how to get a hot girl to like youYou probably would not admit it to anybody else, but deep down inside, you want to be a master when it comes to attracting women. Most guys have this dream, this fantasy, and it’s really nothing that you should ever feel ashamed or embarrassed about. It’s in our nature as men to want to be able to attract any girl that we want, and when you DO have that ability, life will never be the same for you again.

Of course, that is a GOOD thing. I bet you are wondering if it is going to be a chore to learn how to get any girl you want, but it does not have to be. For some guys, they WILL go around banging their heads against the wall, constantly doing the wrong things over and over.

Yet, some will be able to master attracting women pretty quickly. You have to know a little more about female attraction and what a woman wants if you want to be able to get any girl you want.

Here are a few tips to help you discover how to master attracting beautiful women:

 …See all stories on this topic »

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Seduce Women With Email Online and Texting

Seduce Women With Email Online and Texting

Seduce Women With Email

In order to seduce women with email or text, you must first learn the power  of words.  They have the ability to attract and seduce or repulse, depending on how you use them.

If you want to master using your words to seduce, then the best program I found for learning how to do this is Pimp Your Lingo.  You can read my review here.

Online Seduction – How To Seduce A Woman Online

How To Seduce A Woman Online.   If you are not already leveraging the internet in order to meet women then you are definitely missing out. In fact, Facebook seduction is one of the “final frontiers” as far as dating and seducing women is concerned. It is important for any guy to master this new medium – and once you have completely acquired online seduction skills you will start to wonder why you didn’t get started earlier. …Read full story here »

How To Seduce Women Online | Made Manual

Believe it or not but you can easily learn how to seduce women online. The ability to create who you are and maintain that persona while using your natural personality to attract is very do-able. There are many ways to seduce women online but the best strategy relies on patience and creativity. In order to successfully meet and learn about someone who is possibly hundreds or thousands of miles away; you definitely have to have a good plan. It is not hard to learn how to seduce women online. …Read full story here »

How to SMS a Woman – Text and Seduce Her

One of the greatest things about the world today is that you can actually have entire conversations with people without ever seeing them or verbally speaking to them through the digital mediums of the internet and phone texting. One of the chief benefits of this type of seduction is that it allows a lot of room for error, editing, and making sure that everything you say comes out perfectly.

However, many men out there seem to be unable to interact properly with women through such a basic thing as a text. You can now exclude yourself from that crowd, however, because you’re reading the right article. …Read full story here »

Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Attract Women BECOME FEARLESS

How to Attract Women

How to Attract WomenThe capability to attract women comes quickly to alpha males. Women can inform when a man is confident in himself to be able to please her requirements simply by the means he walks, talks and his body movement. Alpha males constantly have ladies hanging all over them and are able to magnetically attract the most popular ladies everywhere they go.

If you desire to attract women easily, then you should become an alpha male. Think of having hot women regularly hanging on you with a minimum of one on each arm almost everywhere you go. This is the capacity that alpha males have. Ladies just sense an alpha male’s assertiveness and confidence which is a significant turn on for them. So become an alpha male and magnetically bring in every woman you fulfill.

Learn how to Become an Alpha MaleClick Here

How to Attract a Woman BECOME FEARLESS

How to Attract a Woman. Posted on November 28 2012. If I could eradicate one question from the world I would die a happy man That question  What do I say to a …
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How To Attract A Woman How To Date

Every man has significant problems with attracting women at some point in their life. In most cases it just doesn’t happen for them because they never get …
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How To Attract Women How To Seduce A Woman

How To Attract A Woman – The Seduction FAQ Way. So, how can you effectively attract women, then? Just be yourself! That’s right. Women happen to love men …
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tricks to seduce women by touching | Best Ways To Attract Women ...

Seducing women is both an art and a skill that not many men are able to master. There are various key elements which allow to pull everything off with much success, and one of those elements including touch. It’s an essential ingredient which starts off from that very first handshake right down to the moment you’re taking her clothes off in the bedroom. It’s something that evokes intimacy and comfort in each other’s embrace. It’s highly important for a man to know the several ways in which he can seduce women by touch. Below are just some of those tips to consider:

If you wish to get a woman to share in the intimacy you wish to express with her, always show your intentions with regard to playful sexuality. You will need to look at her straight in the eyes with a longing ga e while you caress certain parts of her body, such as her nape, her shoulders or even her inner thighs. This is certainly a tip which won’t any doubts about what you wish to do with her.

How To Seduce Women

How To Seduce Women 2

When you’re touching a woman you’ve already been intimate with, it gets a lot easier for you. However, if you’re out with someone whom you wish to explore, you’ll need a different kind of touching. There should be a mirroring of sexual rapport. What this means is that even if you haven’t touched her that way, you still need to approach it like you already have. This means doing all the things that people are quite comfortable in doing with each other, whether it’s light scratching, running your fingers through her hair or rubbing her back.

The feeling of skin on skin contact is something that can easily arouse a woman when you’re touching her the right way. Whether it’s just a common body part such as her hand or knee, you can set things off the right way as long as you make your intentions clear, and that is that you wish to seduce women by touch.

Know The Tricks To Seduce Women In Minutes

One of the most difficult challenges any man on this planet can ever go through is seduce women in minutes. Granted, not all of us are born with good looks or even a truck load of cash in our bank accounts, but these things aren’t necessary in order to get women to flirt around with and be attracted to you. It’s essentially a skill as well as an art which you would need to master over time. Let’s take James Bond, for example – cool, sophisticated and suave.

If you idoli e this fictional character, then you can simply learn the techniques in which you can seduce that attractive hottie you’ve been eyeing at the local bar for several nights. It’s all about entrancing a woman with every word you say and the gestures you make. Therefore, you should keep the following tips in mind if you ever want to get anywhere with her, or any woman you want.

A lot of men make the mistake of not even looking straight at the woman, simply because they feel anxious to even be in the same spot as she is. However, this isn’t something that will get you points with her. Instead, if you really want to make a good impression on her and be on her good side, you will need to engage in eye contact with her and project as much confidence and charm as possible.

It’s important that a man knows how to touch a woman, even with just a simple hand shake. This is simply something basic, so it would be really difficult to comprehend that a guy would be afraid of this gesture. If you happen to have wet and sweaty palms, you may give females the impression that you’re pretty shy. You should also make sure that you’re not grasping onto her hand too tight as if you wanted to crush a beer can. Be firm yet delicate at the same time.

A man should be able to seduce women in minutes with just the sound of his voice. Having a deep voice exhibits a commanding presence which is prone to admiration from the loveliest females. It’s also a sign that you are capable of handling yourself. Therefore, practice talking from your diaphragm. This would definitely help you develop a clear and resonant yet booming voice that would make panties drop.

Is There A Secret To Seduce Women In Seconds?

A lot of men have always wanted to know the secret of how to seduce women in seconds. Of course, this is a skill that requires careful practice, and you don’t even have to look like Brad Pitt or any other hot commodity in Hollywood to pull it off either. Even the most average looking guys on the planet can still become quite the ladies’ men, and they don’t even need to exert much effort in doing so. If you wish to know the art of seducing women instantly, you may want to consider the following tips to get you started on your path to becoming a strong magnet for women’s attraction.

The first impression definitely lasts, so always ensure that you appear presentable. The clothes you wear should be an extension of your personality. Your hairstyle should be suitable to your body type, and your cologne should not be too overwhelming to the senses. This will certainly make quite a good impression on her, and you’ll definitely score huge points for doing so.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, as some may say, therefore you can use them as a way to seduce her. It’s important that you use your eyes to fully express desire without giving her the notion that you desire her body and nothing more. When she’s in the same location as you, go ahead and glance towards her every now and then. You can even smile at her as your eyes cross each other’s path.

How To Seduce Women

How To Seduce Women 2

A woman definitely likes to be complimented, so don’t hesitate to say something nice about her hair, the dress she’s wearing and such. Everything else will follow once she’s become more comfortable in talking to you. Once that’s out of the way, you can simply get closer to her while talking. If she does the same, then you’ve managed to learn how to seduce women in seconds.

Free Guide of How To Seduce Women Seduce Women Instantly With These Tips

There are truly several men all over the world who are out to search for the Holy Grail in terms of knowing how to seduce women instantly. There’s nothing more that a guy wants than to know that women are actually flocking to him to pine for his affection and desire. The truth is, there are no secrets to this, simply because the techniques that you’ve heard of from your friends may not necessarily work with all women.

However, what you can do is to use the basics of knowing how you can flirt around with the opposite sex and increase your chances of getting them to like you in a heartbeat. Below are some tips which you can use to seduce females, and these tips have a lot to do with using body language and exuding just the right amount of confidence to get them swooning:

Always remember to keep a bit of mystery to yourself. No woman likes to be overwhelmed with too many eggs in a basket. If you’re actually trying to put the moves on just one woman, you’ll certainly come as the desperate and needy type. Therefore, it would be best to consider meeting different women before you try to take things seriously. This way, if you actually reali e that one woman you’re seeing isn’t exactly rubbing you the right way, then you can just move on to the next candidate.

Confidence matters when you’re out trying to get on a woman’s good side. Therefore, you should get a sheet of paper and write down your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Focus on working on the things you’re good at, and always remind yourself of the positive traits you have when you’re out to meet women.

It’s all about practicing. You simply can’t expect to be a love guru without experiencing your share of failures. Think of it as the very first time you learned to write, or the very first moment you started to drive a car. You will need to build your self esteem, and this can be done even through online means. If you reali e that you can seduce women instantly even in chat rooms, you are then ready to apply what you’ve learned in the real world.

Seduce Women Tips

How to Seduce Women in Clubs

How to Seduce Women in ClubsKnowing how to seduce women in clubs is essentially not much different than seducing women elsewhere with three main exceptions. First, the noise factor can make it difficult to have a conversation, second, women at the bar are much more guarded against being hit on than they are in other places, and third, they are always there with someone else.

So what is the best way to seduce women in clubs?

Well, here are a few power tips:

1. Alcohol is your best friend. Let her get a few drinks in her before you approach her. Remember, it’s not just us guys that wear beer goggles :-)

2. If you see a woman that you are attracted to, mingle with other people first, especially other, less attractive women. Make sure you do it where she can see you. After a while, she will notice that you are paying other women attention and not her. This will get her curious, if not a little envious.

3. When mingling with other people, always use your best alpha male body language and other non verbal communication. That way she will start to feel attraction to you even without you saying a word to her. Once you notice her starting to sneak glances at you, it is safe to approach.

If you want to learn more about how to become an alpha male and make her yearn for you with just a glance then click here to check out the “Alpha Male System.”


How To Seduce a Woman Club Dance For Men – Double Step …,….Watch video here »


Monday, March 4, 2013

Online Seduction - How to Seduce Women ... -

Seduce Women With Email

Seduce Women With Email The ability to seduce women with email or online requires mainly your capability to use words. What you say and exactly how you say it affect how individuals react. Learning to use specific psychological causes through words is the key to seducing ladies online with email.

Words are extremely powerful devices. They can be utili ed to generate feelings such as anger or laughter, they can cause enjoyment or discomfort. Words could also be utili ed to persuade and, of course, seduce. The trick is just knowing exactly what to say and the best ways to say it.can be extremely effective tools. Words could additionally be made use of to persuade and, of course, seduce.

Understanding what mental causes certain words and expressions have is the basis for all kinds of persuasion, including seduction. Human brains are hard wired to react in a specific method to certain words and expressions. Understanding ways to use these expressions is necessary to having the ability to seduce women with email online.

If you want to learn more about how to use your words to seduce women, check out Pimp Your Lingo, which is a very good program, but has a few flaws. You can read my review here.

If you want a low cost alternative to Pimp Your Lingo, then I highly recommend Seduction Secrets. You can read my review here. Pay particular attention to the section about using psychology to attract women and the “mystery method” of seduction which works extremely well both online and in person.

Online Seduction – How to Seduce Women …

The process of seducing women online can be broken down into two simple, steps – first, get your target to respond to you, and second, bridge from emails to a …Read full story here »

How to Text a Girl – Text Seduction Formula You Must Not Miss at …

Flirting through text happens to be a skill that would need proper expertise,, though, … How to SMS a Woman – Text and Seduce Her Easily With These Killer …Read full story here »

Seducing a Woman With a Text Message?

Seducing a woman is really a form of communication and persuasion. Therefore, any form of communication can be part of your seduction arsenal. These days …Read full story here »

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dating Women Contact Numbers

Dating Women Advice

Dating Women AdviceDating women advice is abundant on the Internet, but how do you know what to believe? Generally speaking, there is good advice out there, but you have to be certain that the person you are taking advice from knows what he is talking about.

For example, the author of Alpha Male System, John Alexander, knows what he is talking about. He walks the walk and talks the talk. The advice he gives you is stuff that he does routinely and has great success with it. I highly recommend his system. He has been a great mentor to me.

If you have having problems dating, maybe the problem is your lack of confidence, maybe you don’t know how to approach a woman or how to act around her. These are the types of things you can learn with the Alpha Male Guide. It teaches you how to become an alpha male and magnetically attract every woman you meet.

The best dating women advice I can give you is to learn how to become an Alpha Male. Check out John Alexander’s guide the Alpha Male System, it helped me and I know it will help you too.

You too can become an alpha male. Just click here to read my review of the Alpha Male System and learn how to magnetically attract hot girls everywhere you go.

Read below for more dating women advice.

Dating Advice For Single Men – Where to Meet Women

Nov 20, 2009 · A lot of single guys are in your shoes right now. They have no idea on where to meet women. Not just any kind of woman, as you can easily find them everywhere…Read full story here »

Top Ten Tips and Techniques to Pick Up Women Revealed In Dating …

For instance, any man who wants to pick up women must learn how to … go over his dating scenario and what he was doing to attract women and most often the …Read full story here »

Dating Tips For Guys – How to Talk to Women the Right Way!

Jan 10, 2010 … Nothing can be more frustrating than finally getting up the nerve to approach a, woman and then find out that you have NOTHING to say to her…Read full story here »

Friday, March 1, 2013

How To Attract A Woman On First Site - Date Women Easily

How to Attract a Woman

How to Attract a WomanHave you ever questioned why some guys appear to be able to attract the hottest ladies around despite the fact that they look like someone beet them up with an unsightly stick? These men understand that in order to bring in hot women, they need to reveal their dominant alpha male traits. You see, the capacity to attract a lady has nothing to do with looks or cash.

If you {want to discover ways to attract a woman, then you have to discover ways toYou need to discover how to become an alpha male if you want to find out how to attract a woman.} Alpha males draw in ladies immediately and magnetically just by the way the talk, the means the walk, their body movement and general behavior.

If you {want to be able to bring in every lady you fulfill, then you need the Alpha Male System since the capacity to bring in women comes easilyYou need the Alpha Male System due to the fact that the ability to bring in ladies comes quickly to alpha males if you desire to be able to attract every woman you fulfill.} Women are normally, irresistibly attracted to alpha males.

You too can become an alpha male. Just click here to read my review of the Alpha Male System and learn how to magnetically attract hot women everywhere you go.

Read below for more information about how to attract a woman.

How to Attract a Cougar Woman | Responsible Art

If you decide that dating a cougar woman is for you, you will need to know just how to attract your perfect woman. Here are some tips:
1. Dress to impress – Appearance is important to many cougar women. They make an effort to look good and you should too. Depending on the venue, you may decide to go for smart casual, jeans, shirt and a bla er, or a smart suit. Make sure you are clean and smell nice. Invest in a nice aftershave, but just wear a couple of dabs, you don’t want to smell like a perfume shop.
2. Good manners – Cougar ladies expect you to be courteous and to show them respect. Sure you can have a load of fun with a cougar women, but to impress her to start with, you need to make an effort. Hold open the door, be polite. If you are young, hot and a gentleman to boot that will be a package most cougars won’t be able to resist.
3. Be confident – Cougar women are often very confident and independent. They will be attracted to you if you display a similar level of confidence. Just tell yourself you look good before you go out and believe it! You will send out a certain vibe that women will pick up on. Smile and laugh with your friends, whilst throwing the cougar woman admiring glances. If you can catch her eye for a second, she will get the message that you are interested.
4. Body language – If your cougar woman is at the bar, wander up and start a conversation. You will be able to pick up whether she is interested in you by her body language. Look out for her playing with her hair, making eye contact, smiling and touching her necklace, or chest. Mimic her body language subtly.
If she takes a sip of her drink, take a sip of yours, if she touches her cheek, touch yours. This will give her a feeling of chemistry with you and help make her feel more attracted to you.
5. Treat her – Despite the fact that many cougar women will probably have more money than you, you should still offer to buy her a drink and treat her to dinner. Flowers, gifts and chocolates go a… Read full story here »

How To Seduce A Woman – What Attracts Women

Click Here Now To Learn 1 Trick To Make ANY Girl Kiss You – How to Seduce a Woman – How to Attract Women Seduction doesn’t have to be as hard as you think to get girls to want YOU. I have learned that by simply reali ing a few things, you can get just about any girl you choose. But let’s get real… if you don’t know what you are doing you can get terribly rejected and feel like garbage. And nobody likes that feeling… International Attraction Guru, Josh Pellicer has a program called The Tao Of Badass and I highly recommend you give it a look. Click this link to learn how to get ANY girl to want to kiss you. This is tricky, but it works so damn well: How to Seduce a Woman – How to Attract Women…  View video »

How To Attract A Woman In First Sight – Get Ladies Easily

The general process for attraction includes a few steps. First How To Attract A Woman In First Sight you must create interest within the woman you’re attracted to. How To Attract A Woman In First Sight curiosity is what attraction is actually about.
Well if you are sick of seeing other men scoop up all of the desirable women leaving you to scramble following the crumbs which fall in the masters table this is How To Attract A Woman In First Sight probably the most important messages you’ll ever read. What you’re going to learn is a straightforward strategy that will How To Attract A Woman In First Sight teach you how to attract women right from how to attract a guy at first sight the first approach right down to the ultimate seduction. First you have to be a social butterfly.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Things You will need wingman 1)Approach situations confidently. Nearly all women find confident visitors to function as the most attractive. Acting nervous fidgeting bumbling speech and clammy hands could be huge turn-offs for women.

Should you always behave like guess what happens you’re doing then women will think that you need to do.
Believe me! Once you’ve mastered the art of body language then you need to take the next big step. In order to make her fall madly in love with you you must acquire secret seduction tricks that will help you build a powerful emotional connection. This technique called fractionation is known to be able to make women fall in love rather quickly – how does 15 minutes sound to you? Do you find yourself lacking confidence with regards to attracting women? It’s pretty common for men to suddenly feel like they’re drained associated with a self confidence they might have had the moment that they get around a pretty woman. Suddenly you find yourself looking for what’s right to express where to put your hands and you reali e that all confidence is gone. How will you have it fixed and just how are you able… Read full story here »

How To Attract A Woman On First Site - Date Women Easily